

January 11th, 2021

School office resumes (8:30 am to 4:30 pm)

January 26th, 2021

Public Holiday

January 28th, 2021

Term 1 Students’ First Day


Well done and Farewell

This year has been a year like no other for education. The Preps of 2020 have missed out on many things, but what they have missed, they have gained in flexibility, change and determination to succeed. On Friday 27th November, the 2020 Foundation students came together to celebrate their academic, social and emotional successes for the year. I am proud of each, and every one of you, and I wish you all the best in 2021.

Some final acknowledgements for the year. I would like to recognize the Integration Aides of our classroom: Nuriye Engin and Sukhwinder Kaur. These two wonderful ladies have worked well to support the students in all areas of their learning from Reading, Writing, Sport, Visual Arts, Assessment administration and more. Without your continued dedication, the students would not have achieved as much as they have. We thank you!

School ends early at Sirius College so be sure, your child continues with regular reading over the summer holidays. Reading Eggs login details can still be accessed along with the Reading Eggspress Library.

Cards, beads, counters and even cooking can be a resource for Maths in your own home. Plain playing cards are good for number recognition, simple addition, and the counting on and counting back strategies. Cooking is great to recognize quantities and our measuring units: millilitres, litres, grams and kilograms (even for the older kids). Don’t forget about clocks and telling the time as well. Watches and clocks around your home can be regularly revisited on the hour to read the time and refer to what activities you are doing at that time.

Writing can best be revised by getting your child to write about their experiences.

Today/ Yesterday/ On Thursday…
On the weekend/ On the weekday…
These are all great sentence starters.

For example, “Yesterday I went to the Melbourne Zoo. I saw giraffes and zebras. The giraffes were using their long necks to eat from the trees. The zebras were gathering in groups.”

Foundation Transition

On two consecutive Wednesdays, this term, Sirius College welcomed the new 2021 Foundation students to our school as part of the Transition program. The girls and boys quickly settled into the classroom on both occasions with barely any tears enjoying the Developmental Play activities. The class then went on to reading a Big Book and completing an activity to take home and share with their families. They made firstly a bear mask and then an animal puppet. Congratulations on a great start to school life kids and I look forward to seeing you all again in 2021.


The following photos highlight our Reading Block and Phonics Program. This involves focused reading groups with the teacher, Jigsaw sight words, sequencing activities and more. The Read, Write Inc. program has the students partnering a Green Book, reading this a few times a week, and practising their speed sounds, sight words (from the book) and reading the story and learning to find the answers to the story within the written text.

My Favorite Things About School – By Foundation

The following highlights the students own personal learning journey and reflections for the year.

This year I have liked counting to 100.
This year I have learnt how to read a book.
I am now better at using the computers.
Mohammad Al Baiti

This year I have liked dressing up for costume day.
This year I have learnt how to write numbers in Maths.
I am now better at yoga poses.
Ayaan Mohammed

This year I have liked computer lessons.
This year I have learnt how to write.
I am now better at painting.
Amir Rezai

This year I have liked yoga because I like Jamie.
This year I have learnt how to read books.
I am now better at yoga poses.
Mortada Alshafani

This year I have liked playtime.
This year I have learnt how to use the computers.
I am now better at reading words.
Arham Rehan

This year I have liked playing soccer.
This year I have learnt writing in a book and using the lines.
I am now better at school at reading books and the Red Words.
Hussein Al Kundi

This year I have liked Soccer and I like Basketball.
This year I have learnt how to read the Golden Words.
I am now better at the Golden Words.
Ali 2 Almosawy

This year I have liked playing skipping because it is my favorite exercise to do.
This year I have learnt how to count to 10.
I am now better at counting and jumping.
Fatima Alfraihi

This year I have liked Recess because it is fun to play outside.
This year I have learnt how to name the money coins and notes in Maths.
I am now better at writing.
Zuhair Mgaram

This year I have liked Mrs. Amjed and Sport because it makes us grow up and is exercise for us.
This year I have learnt how to sound out the letters.
I am now better at saying my sounds and I know the song of it.
Gufran Alghazaly

This year I have liked playing in the sandpit and playground.
This year I have learnt how to write my name.
I am now better at writing my name.
Sajad Almosawy

This year I have liked planting grassheads.
This year I have learnt how to write my name.
I am now better at learning well.
Janat Almosawy

This year I have liked Maths because I like counting.
This year I have learnt how to count.
I am now better at naming the letters.
Sahar Rafiee

This year I have liked Maths.
This year I have learnt how to name the letters.
I am now better at singing the alphabet song.
Imaan Hussain

This year I have liked Maths because it is fun to learn.
This year I have learnt how to care for people.
I am now better at snapping my fingers when sounding out words.
Layla Yasir

This year I have liked Library because I like borrowing.
This year I have learnt how to count to 100.
I am now better at the monkey bars.
Mahveen Ansari

This year I have liked PE lessons because we can run.
This year I have learnt how to write my name.
I am now better at using computers.
Mariam Aboud

This year I have liked Maths.
This year I have learnt how to count to 100.
I am now better at counting.
Hazine Saneej

This year I have liked Soccer because playing Soccer is fun.
This year I have learnt how to read the Golden Words.
I am now better at playing Soccer.
Ali 2 Almosawy

This year I have liked playing Basketball.
This year I have learnt how to use the computers.
I am now better at typing on computers.
Abbas Majeed

This year I have liked Art because it is fun.
This year I have learnt about homework.
I am now better at reading words.
Zainab Mgoter

I wish to finish by congratulating all the Foundation students of 2020 on a marvelous year of schooling. I wish you all the best for your future schooling.

Mrs. Tracy Jaap
Foundation Teacher